Sunday, March 22, 2009

Doctor Who Easter Special: The Planet of the Dead

No news yet on when The Planet of the Dead, the next Doctor Who special for 2009 will be screening in Australia that I know of, though it's scheduled for an Easter screening in the UK. Promo images from the episode have been released though; the above being one of them, naturally, from a sequence for the episode that was filmed in Dubai. Heaps more great images, set shots, news and more over at one of the blogs I follow: Life, Doctor Who and Combom (beware spoilers!).


Anonymous said...

Can't wait! Torrents are the ready :-) It's a great pic - nearly as spooky as the Concorde landing on prehistoric ground from the Davison era.

Jeb said...

I'm not game to look at the spoilers, but I wonder if we'll start getting hints at why the doctor could be regenerating?

richardwatts said...

Interesting thought, Jeb - RTD has commented that there's going to be a thematic element linking all the specials this year, so possibly that could foreshadowing the reasons for the Tenth Doctor's regeneration in some way...

Anonymous said...

OMG David looks hot with sunnies on!! cant wait till planet of the dead

Anonymous said...

I reckon the easter special will be this sunday. At any rate the doctor is appearing on triple J on wednesday so I reckon it should be good. I can't wait.